The Letters of Sylvia Plath, Volume 1: 1940-1956 is officially published today by Faber & Faber in the United Kingdom. It is the moment many of us have been waiting for for a very long time. The 838 letters in Volume 1 begin on 19 February 1940 and end on 23 October 1956. The cut off date was intentional as that is the last letter Plath wrote before her 24th birthday. Thus Volume 2, you can deduce, begins with the first letter Plath wrote after turning 24. The book was edited by me (that's Peter K. Steinberg in case you forgot) and Karen V. Kukil. A number of readers of this blog and followers on Twitter have sent me messages and the like that the book is on the way. I find this level of excitement and enthusiasm for The Letters of Sylvia Plath so wonderful. So, thank you all for being patient as we built the book. There is more to come. Buy it from Faber , , Book Depository . The HarperCollins edition will be published in the United States on 17 Octob...
Sylvia Plath Info Blog by Peter K. Steinberg. The blog of A celebration, this is.