Maev Kennedy wrote in today's print edition of The Guardian about the forthcoming Bonhams auction: "Writers' Lives: Auction offers intimate glimpses inside the marriage of Plath and Hughes" (pg 7). The article, though, posted online yesterday . It's safe to say in the Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes realm, the news went viral. Frieda Hughes is set to auction about 108 lots of items from the estates of Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes, and Olwyn Hughes that she inherited. The range of items is breathtaking for peanut-crunchers and collectors, archivists, and librarians. Clothing, jewelry, personal library books, typescripts, and realia such as furniture. The items reflect the lives of, at a minimum, Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes, Frieda Hughes, Nicholas Hughes, Olwyn Hughes, William Hughes, Edith Hughes, Otto Plath, and Aurelia Plath. When I learned about the auction in December it was really hard to obey the request for confidentiality. But, I did it! When I saw the early...
Sylvia Plath Info Blog by Peter K. Steinberg. The blog of A celebration, this is.