Ted Hughes, in April, received a blue plaque in North Tawton . Thanks to Cath for the link. The poor Sylvia Plath letter that failed to sell in February through Bonham’s, also failed to sell in a June 22 auction and Bonham’s in New York , and for a reduced estimate. I have about $45 dollars to my name so in another year, at this rate, I might be able to buy it! If you have an estimated 3,000-5,000 GBP to spare, on July 14, Sotheby’s is auctioning a self-portrait of Plath dated 7/25/1949. I hardly see a resemblance but it must be real. See Lot 98 . Plath Profiles 4 is in production, it is looking like it will be just under 400 pages of great greatness. Expect publication in the first week or so of July. Details to follow!
Sylvia Plath Info Blog by Peter K. Steinberg. The blog of A celebration, this is.