[ This post has been modified due to unreasonable pressure from certain parties. The point of the original post was to vilify Jeffrey Meyers' baseless claims and correct his horrendous research. If you are interested in reading the original post, please email me. Contact information available via the " About Sylvia Plath Info Blog & Contact Info " tab. --pks ] 60 years ago today, on 27 July 1954, Sylvia Plath was featured in a photograph in the Boston Globe pointing at … wait for it … a globe! In the brief article "More Girls Than Ever at Harvard Summer School", Plath was photographed in the Widener Library with Everetta Rutherford of Columbia, South Carolina. It is difficult to determine at which country or continent Plath is pointing, but it might be India? That is neither here nor there... Also neither here nor there, it was just 11 months after the news broke that she had been found hiding in her family's basement in Boston and other U.S. newsp...
Sylvia Plath Info Blog by Peter K. Steinberg. The blog of A celebration, this is.