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Showing posts from June, 2018

Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes Book Publications

We are half way through the year just about and perhaps this blog post should have come earlier. However, with the recent publication of an important new book about Ted Hughes, let us take a look at the scheduled publications this year... Ted Hughes in Context , edited by Terry Gifford, was published recently on 21 June 2018 by Cambridge University Press. This collection of essays represents some of the most up-to-date explorations into Ted Hughes's work and life by leading Hughes scholars. Some names are familiar, some are new, which is exciting. It is an expensive volume, but one that I feel will be worth every single penny. It appears as though Faber is reissuing a bunch of books this autumn and winter by Ted Hughes too including How the Whale Became and Other Tales and The Dreamfighter and Other Creation Tales on 4 October and Collected Animal Poems (four volumes) and Season Songs on 3 January 2019. In the Sylvia Plath world, you may be living under the stones in...

Ted Hughes scrapbook at Emory

As I did last year with Sylvia Plath's High School and Smith College scrapbooks, I wanted to get a catalog of the items in Ted Hughes' publications scrapbook help at Emory University. The scrapbook was started and probably largely put together by Plath; however there are a few post-Plath entries here so it is clearly something Hughes, his sister, or possibly Assia Wevill continued for a short while. I am grateful to the staff at the Rose Library at Emory for their assistance with this project, as well as to Amy S. Li for her assistance as well. The original scrapbook is very fragile and closed for researcher use, understandably. However, there are two sets of photocopies that are available. I worked with two sets of photographs of the scrapbook, one labelled "chronological" and the other as "facing pages". I have not (yet!) visited Emory but desperately want to so as such I feel slightly less connected to this scrapbook. However, I hope the informatio...

The Covers for The Letters of Sylvia Plath, Volume 2: 1956-1963

This morning I noticed on that the Faber & Faber cover for The Letters of Sylvia Plath, Volume 2: 1956-1963 was displaying. So, I guess that means it is alright to show it here and elsewhere and let you all start thinking about it, discussing it, offering opinions, and everything else we are free to do with the information. So, here are the Faber and HarperCollins covers side by side. And for a reminder, here are the covers for the first volume. All links accessed: 11 June 2018

The Curious History of Sylvia Plath's "Mad Girl's Love Song"

Sylvia Plath wrote her most famous villanelle on 21 February 1953 about Myron "Mike" Lotz, of Yale, whom she met over the Thanksgiving holiday in November 1952. I suspect many of us have been in that position before about a love interest; and in fact maybe some of you feel this degree of beautifully painful longing waiting for the next exciting Sylvia Plath Info Blog post? Right… Anyway, Plath sent the poem off to The New Yorker and Harper's . A typescript copy of "Mad Girl’s Love Song" held by Lilly Library, probably sent by Plath to her mother in her letter dated the same day of composition, includes the following note typed at the top: "this one had the honor of being inspired by one myron lotz…" ( Letters of Sylvia Plath , 567). The poem has quite an interesting publication history. "Mad Girl's Love Song" was first published in the Smith Review (Spring 1953). It then appeared in the August 1953 issue of Mademoiselle . Made...