This is the first of what I hope will be many weekly summaries of news events including links, reviews, and other miscellany in the world of Sylvia Plath.
- A recent arcticle about a little known Smith College clothing collection, featuring some of Plath's childhood & adolescent clothing.
- A review of Edge by Paul Alexander I can support.
- Another review of Edge, from the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin.
- The Sydney Morning Herald reviews The Letters of Ted Hughes.
- Jeanette Winterson thinks about Birthday Letters ten years on in this article from the Times of London.
- Writer Gwynne Garfinkle wrote me about an excerpt from an (as yet unpublished) novel called The Posthumous Life of Eleanor Bell which appears in the most recent issue of A Fly in Amber. Garfinkle's novel features a Plath-like poet who, instead of committing suicide, still lives in London as a vampire (unbeknownst to her cult of fans). We wish her luck.
- Stephanie Hemphill's Your Own, Sylvia: A Verse Portrait of Sylvia Plath won honorable mention in the Michael L. Printz Award.
- The London Magazine is ceasing publication after a long life. Plath published many poems and short stories in this literary journal in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Have a good week.
Thank you for all the interesting links Peter! Argh - 1 week (less) and I am back at work)