Links, reviews, etc. - Week ending 16 February 2008
This week saw a flurry of news and blog activity regarding Sylvia Plath as it was the somber 45th anniversary of her death.
- London's Daily Telegraph ran Seduced by Sylvia Plath's gore and gloom on 11 February.
- There are some reviews out of a new book by Lisa Appignanesi called Mad, bad, and sad: A history of women and the mind of doctors from 1800 to the present. The New Statesman's review was published on 14 February; and The Guardian's was published today.
- I posted a link to Sylvia Plath's Library, cataloged on LibraryThing. It will give researchers an opportunity to analyze Plath's library and her reading. And, if you're a LibraryThinger, you can see how many books you have in common with Plath!
- Julia Stiles' adaptation of The Bell Jar was in the news again, but only for being in production.
Have a good week.
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