There haven't been many news stories recently about Sylvia Plath, though her name has appeared in various articles.
On 4 July, David Baddiel at The Times reviews the new movie about Dylan Thomas called The Edge of Love. He dedicates a paragraph to questioning the purpose of the movie Sylvia (2003).
So, I will just say that I have added a new web page to my website, A celebration, this is. The new page had to do with Plath's Audio recordings. Kate Moses has two recent essays in The Unraveling Archive: Essays on Sylvia Plath (ed. Anita Helle, 2007) that are must reads for anyone interested in Plath's voice and Plath's recordings. And, for those who have never heard Plath's voice, the webpage lists the commercial releases.
Plath Profiles is still working its way towards you! I think about 90-95% of the essays are ready to go. We're waiting for last edits on two papers. And, two will be delayed as the authoresses await word about permissions. Those two papers will appear online at a later date, but are very much a part of Volume 1. For anyone not able to attend the Sylvia Plath 75th Year Symposium at Oxford in October 2007 (and Smith in April 2008), you'll get to read many of the papers presented. There are 26 total essays - many of which include illustrations, there are 6 poems inspired by Plath, and there are two wonderful book reviews. It is my hope that within a week or two the issue will be online.
Have a good week! Happy Plathing.
On 4 July, David Baddiel at The Times reviews the new movie about Dylan Thomas called The Edge of Love. He dedicates a paragraph to questioning the purpose of the movie Sylvia (2003).

Plath Profiles is still working its way towards you! I think about 90-95% of the essays are ready to go. We're waiting for last edits on two papers. And, two will be delayed as the authoresses await word about permissions. Those two papers will appear online at a later date, but are very much a part of Volume 1. For anyone not able to attend the Sylvia Plath 75th Year Symposium at Oxford in October 2007 (and Smith in April 2008), you'll get to read many of the papers presented. There are 26 total essays - many of which include illustrations, there are 6 poems inspired by Plath, and there are two wonderful book reviews. It is my hope that within a week or two the issue will be online.
Have a good week! Happy Plathing.
Very exciting news about Plat Profiles Peter.