Below is a list of links and other newsworthy items from the week that was.
- The Cambridge Introduction to Sylvia Plath by Jo Gill has had a somewhat roaming US publication date. Having moved from 30 September to 30 October to 30 November, now has the publication date set for Monday, 27 October. Also know as the birthday of Sylvia Plath, Dylan Thomas, and countless others. The book is listed as In Stock according to Cambridge University Presses US site; and it is also available as an eBook using the Adobe eBook Reader.
- Blake Morrison remembers Ted Hughes in The week in books in The Guardian.
- The Guardian also gives us a glimpse into A. Alvarez's writing room.
- The Chronicle Herald (Canada) reports last Sunday on the sale of the Hughes papers.
- The Whitman College Pioneer (Walla Walla, Wash) reports that the Citizens for Academic Responsibility wants Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar should be removed from school curriculum. [Go ahead: If you ban it, it will be read.]
- Freida Hughes will publish a new collection of poetry in 2009. Be on the lookout for The Book of Mirrors in spring (USA) and in the autumn (UK).
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