Sylvia Plath went missing 59 years ago this week. Her disappearance was in more than 170 newspapers around the country and was reported on the radio and television, as well. The majority of the newspaper articles were understandably in Massachusetts. Many, but not all, of the stories ran photographs of Plath. This was done to help readers identify the missing student and also to illustrate the adjectives such as "beautiful" that were used to draw in readers attention in the headlines and in the stories. In all, there were five-to-seven photographs/images of Plath used by the newspapers. More on this below... One of the photographs appeared in The Boston Globe , in an article titled "Day-Long Search Fails to Locate Smith Student" on 26 August 1953. The photograph that ran was of Plath, her mother, and her brother. One of the more sensational newspaper of the time, The Boston Daily Record , ran a number of articles on the missing Plath in several daily editions....
Sylvia Plath Info Blog by Peter K. Steinberg. The blog of A celebration, this is.