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New Plaques for Sylvia Plath

Has anyone else noticed that Google News and alerts has sucked recently (for something like the last four months)? I found this story today but, as usual, was not alerted to it via email, text, sky writing, carrier pigeon, etc.

London, AP--The recent news that the English Heritage has suspended the installation of Blue plaques has lead to last ditch efforts to commemorate landmarks associated with historical figures. Small amounts of money allotted for the plaques does remain, which has led to the quiet placement of additional blue plaques around England's capital city: London.

In conjunction with the recent 50th anniversary of both the publication of The Bell Jar and Sylvia Plath's death, English Heritage has installed several new, additional blue plaques in her honor in the Primrose Hill neighborhood that she loved.

The first house to receive the plaque is an unusual move: 23 Fitzroy Road. Citing that some of her most starkly beautiful and original poetry was composed here, as well as a few prose pieces that are undervalued for their wit, English Heritage installed the plaque recently in a private ceremony. English Heritage did not stop there.

Another blue plaque for Plath is rumored to ready for installation nearby at 11 St. George's Terrace, which faces Primrose Hill, as it is generally reported that much of Plath's novel, published under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas, was written here. Plath and Hughes both used the study here on borrow from Dido "Vessel of Wrath" and W. S. Merwin, the American poet. To commemorate the achievement of The Bell Jar, English Heritage and Faber are collaborating on a plaque which will incorporate the cover image of the 50th anniversary edition of the novel, published with fanfare and furore earlier in this year.


  1. This is great news. These blue plaques are usually placed to indicate that a certain somebody lived rather than wrote here.

  2. Yes, it is great news. I saw several when I was in London last week that said so and so "lived and wrote" here. Maybe not those words exactly but the person's vocation was listed.


  3. April Fools Peter!!!!!!!! Dido 'Vessel of Wrath' Merwin made me laugh loudly ha ha


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