Just found this quote from David Trinidad on working with Sylvia Plath materials in the archive and thought it was worth spreading...
You can read some of David Trinidad's poems and essays in several volumes of Plath Profiles. Some of the best are:
Hidden in Plain Sight: On Sylvia Plath's Missing Journals (Volume 3 Supplement, Fall 2010)
On the Road with Sylvia and Ted: Plath and Hughes's 1959 Trip Across America (Volume 4, Summer 2011)
Sylvia Plath: The Complete Pink (Volume 5, Summer 2012)
"Light Borrowing" from The New Yorker (Volume 6, Summer 2013)
It’s an intimate act, one that connects you with a writer, his or her energy, in a very personal way. It’s that intimacy, with Plath, that I find so exciting. To get that close to the source of such tremendous vitality, creativity.It is from an interview that appeared in the Sycamore Review entitled "'the past, the color pink': An Interview with David Trinidad."
You can read some of David Trinidad's poems and essays in several volumes of Plath Profiles. Some of the best are:
Hidden in Plain Sight: On Sylvia Plath's Missing Journals (Volume 3 Supplement, Fall 2010)
On the Road with Sylvia and Ted: Plath and Hughes's 1959 Trip Across America (Volume 4, Summer 2011)
Sylvia Plath: The Complete Pink (Volume 5, Summer 2012)
"Light Borrowing" from The New Yorker (Volume 6, Summer 2013)
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