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Sylvia Plath's Smith College Scrapbook

The following is a catalog of the items in Sylvia Plath's Smith College scrapbook held by the Lilly Library in Plath mss II, Oversize 8. As with Plath's high school scrapbook, it is heavily annotated with the memorabilia from her college years. The items here date almost exclusively from the fall of 1951 through early summer 1955, from Plath's sophomore year at Smith College through to her graduation from Smith College and preparation to leave for England on her Fulbright scholarship.

As with the high school scrapbook, the information here was obtained from 16-19 March 2015 on a research visit I made to the Lilly Library. The contents reflect what I saw and photographed at that time. Upon analyzing each page image, it was determined that several of the now loose items were found to be in the wrong folder and/or with the wrong page. So some items will appear in the list below with annotations about where it was photographed and where it should be belong. I used the same descriptors, too: Attachment, Clipping, and Photograph. By my counts, there are, or were, 319 items in the scrapbook: 58 Photographs, 233 Attachments, and 28 Clippings. Also, there are, or were, several missing items. I'm confident about 2 photographs and 1 attachment, and several items as mentioned above were probably/possibly in the wrong folder. There are four blank pages (1, 2, 87, and 88). Excepting the missing photograph of Richard Norton, each of the photographs has a date assigned to it. The dates are as accurate as I have been able to establish from the scrapbook, Plath's diaries, journals, letters, and other sources. Photographs have been described based on a list of photographs provided by the Lilly Library and my own observations.

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3
Attachment: "Welcome 1955 to Freshman Day – 1951" program
Clipping: "Football Schedule." New York Herald Tribune

Page 4
Attachment: Invitation to William Frank Buckley's house, 6 October 1951
Photograph: missing; Richard Norton
Attachment: Birthday card from Marcia Brown to SP

Page 5
Attachment: Telegram, Eric Wilson to SP, 9 November 1951
Attachment: "Death of a Cat", electrocardiograph
Photograph: Richard Norton and three other HMS students dissecting a cadaver, Harvard Medical School; circa 1951-1952

Page 6
Attachment: The Yankee Pedlar (menu)
Attachment: Tap Room… The Yankee Pedlar Inn (postcard)

Page 7
Attachment: Publick Room…The Yankee Pedlar Inn (postcard)
Attachment: The Whale Inn, Goshen, Mass. (postcard)
Attachment: The Whale Inn (advertisement)
Attachment: Card: Two Guitars (NYC) "Minimum $2.50"; (belongs on following page)
Attachment: Three matchbook covers: The Whale Inn; Haven House, 15 December 1951; and Yankee Pedler Inn

Page 8
Attachment: Smith College, Christmas Vespers, 14 December 1951, program
Attachment: Hadley Sportsmen's Club, Inc, membership card: "Sylvia Plath – Smith"
Attachment: "Minimum $2.50" card photographed on previous page

Page 9
Attachment: Wellesley College Christmas Dance invitation, 26 December 1951
Attachment: Ticket stub, Don Juan in Hell; Century Theatre, 19 December 1951, C 103
Clipping: Emlyn Williams as Charles Dickens from Plymouth Theatre, Boston, Mass.
Attachment: Christmas card from Eric Wilson to SP

Page 10
Attachment: Cornelia Otis Skinner, Paris '90, program, 12 January 1952
Attachment: Cornelia Otis Skinner, Paris '90, program, Academy of Music, 12 January 1950
Attachment: Tavern Room…The Yankee Pedlar Inn (postcard)

Page 11
Attachment: "Smith College Exercises in Commemoration of the 220th anniversary of the birth of Washington", 22 February 1952, program
Attachment: You Axed For It / We Hatched It, program
Attachment: Ticket stub, 22 February 1952, John M. Greene Hall, Balcony Section N Row 2 Seat 21

Page 12
Attachment: Telegram from Constantine Sidamon-Eristoff to SP, 28 February 1952
Photograph: Marcia Brown and Mike Plummer seated at a table playing cards; circa 1952
Attachment: Valentine card with teddy bear from Richard Norton to SP
Photograph: Marcia Brown, studio portrait; circa 1952

Page 13
Attachment: Love Among the Ruins, John M. Greene Hall, 13 March 1952, program
Attachment: missing; probably a ticket stub photographed on following page
Attachment: Five, Student's Building Theatre, Smith College, 19-20 March 1952, program

Page 14
Attachment: Valentine card from Richard Norton to SP; with drawing of a heart inside
Attachment: Boston Opera House, Le Lac Des Cygnes, The Prospect Before Us, Pineapple Poll, 22 March 1952, program
Photograph: Sylvia Plath, Usha Mahajan, and Lyn Bartram; circa 30 April 1953
Attachment: Ticket stub; Music Box Theatre, 29 March 1954
***out of place***
Attachment: Ticket stub; 13 March 1952, John M. Greene Hall, Section D, Row 20, Seat 2; (belongs on previous page)

Page 15
Attachment: Ring Round the Moon (12-15 May 1953), program
Attachment: The Daughter of Jorio (18-21 March 1953), program
Photograph: Barbara Michelson and Charlotte Kennedy with other Smith College students at a tennis court; captioned on verso: "For you, Charlotte ma'am – 'a portrait of the thinker' or: 'Fleas?'"; dated "Sept. '53" on verso

Page 16
Clipping: Ann Michaelson, "Maze of Mermaids Anticipate Gala Carnival, Whirl, 'Evening in Aqua'." Current. 24 April 1952: 1; annotated by SP Clipping: "S. Plath, Mary Pell Earn Poetry Awards." The Sophian. 11 December 1952: 1
Clipping: "Neighborhood News." The Townsman. 21 February 1952: 13
Clipping: "Alpha Announces Recent Elections." Current. 1 May 1952: 1; annotated by SP Clipping: "Neighborhood News." The Townsman. 5 June 1952: 6
Clipping: "[C. Wurtele Leads] Soph. Class Push." Current. 8 May 1952: 1; annotated by SP Attachment: Card, "Haven and Wesley send congratulations to our new secretary of Honor Board!"
Attachment: Card' "Sylvia Plath Haven"; "Congratulations! You have been elected to the Editorial Board of Smith Review. Very best of luck next year. '52"
Attachment: Card, from Jan Salter to SP, 27 May 1952
Attachment: Card, invitation to Push party, 16 May 1952

Page 17
Attachment: Esplanade Concerts, 24th season, program
Attachment: Sheraton Hotels matchbook cover
Attachment: deCordova and Dana Museum and Park, Lincoln, Mass., flyer

Page 18
Attachment: The Belmont Hotel, West Harwich (postcard)
Attachment: The Belmont, lunch menu; annotated by SP
Attachment: The Belmont, general manual for employees; annotated by SP
Attachment: The Belmont, paystub

Page 19
Attachment: Card, The Sou'wester, West Chatham, Mass.
Attachment: Card, The Sail Loft, Chatham, Mass.
Attachment: Paycheck No. 51, dated 31 August 1952, from Cantor family to SP
Attachment: Card from Peggy Cantor to SP
Attachment: Chatham Bars Inn and Cottages, matchbook cover
Clipping: "COLLEGE-AGE GIRL." The Christian Science Monitor. 10 July 1952: 15, advertisement; annotated by SP
Photograph: Sylvia Plath holding one half a beach bag; captioned on verso: "Sylvia Plath Age 20 Nauset Beach, Cape Cod; circa July-August 1952
Attachment: Card, Lighthouse Sea-bar, West Dennis, Cape Cod
Photograph: Joan Cantor holding other half of beach bag, Nauset Beach, Cape Cod; circa July-August 1952

Page 20
Attachment: Cape Cod Music Circus, Fledermaus, 14 August 1953, program; annotated on recto and verso by SP. Verso indicates SP saw The Gypsies Worse High Hats, starring Sylvia Sidney at Cape Playhouse, Dennis, with Art Kramer
Photograph: Sylvia Plath face down on beach towel; circa July-August 1952
Attachment: Coonamessett Inn, Hatchville, Mass., matchbook cover
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and Bob Cochrane standing outdoors and holding sails and sailing equipment, captioned on verso: "August 20, 1952, Chatham
Photograph: Bob Cochrane's red convertible MG; circa August 1952

Page 21
Attachment: Monomoy Theatre, French for Love, 27-30 August 1952, program, annotated by SP
Photograph: The Cochrane house, 'Shy Acre', Chatham, Mass.; circa August 1952
Attachment: Monomoy Theatre, French for Love, 27-30 August 1952, card, annotated by SP

Page 22
Attachment: The Old Mill at Brewster, Mass. (postcard): From Joan Cantor to SP, postmarked 21 April 1953
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and Joan Cantor at the beach with beach bag; August 1952
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and Eddie Cohen's friend in coral convertible car; August 1952
Photograph: Sue and Bill Cantor at the beach; captioned on verso by SP; August 1952
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and Joan Cantor sitting in back of a car; captioned on recto"Me and Joanie Aug 1952"; captioned on verso: "Joanie Cantor & me August 1952
Attachment: The oldest Water Mill on the American Continent Cape Cod, Mass. (postcard); from Jim McNeely to SP, postmarked 10September 1952

Page 23
Photograph: Perry and Richard Norton at the beach; circa summer 1952
Photograph: Perry, David, and Richard Norton posing outdoors; annotated on verso by Richard Norton; circa fall 1951
Attachment: Smith College calendar 1952-1953
Clipping: "Four Local Girls Win Smith Honors." The Townsman. 9 October 1952: 4
Attachment: Letter from Mary Mensel to SP, 2 October 1952, First Group Scholars award

Page 24
Attachment: Princeton Athletic News, 1 November 1952, program cover
Attachment: Ticket stub; Brown vs. Princeton, 1 November 1952

Page 25
Attachment: Envelope, postmarked 1 December 1952, Birmingham, England
Attachment: Christmas card of a snow covered barn and farm from John Hodges to SP
Attachment: Christmas card of two people enjoying drinks from Marcia Watrous to SP
Attachment: Envelope, postmarked 8 December 1952, Paris, France
Attachment: Christmas card from Marianne Glasel to SP
Attachment: Christmas card from Cantor's to SP

Page 26
Attachment: Christmas card of St. Patrick's Cathedral, NY from Mark von Slossman to SP; probably from December 1953
Attachment: Christmas card from Attila Kassay to SP
Attachment: Christmas card from Sally Rosenthal to SP
Attachment: Christmas card from Jim McNeely to SP
Attachment: Christmas card from Merian Lovelace to SP

Page 27
Attachment: Bell, Book and Candle, The Playgoer, Court Square Theatre, Springfield, Mass. 19-21 January 1953, program
Attachment: Ticket stubs, Bell, Book and Candle; Court Square Theatre, Springfield, Mass. 20 January 1953
Attachment: Card, from Joan Throckmorton to SP
Attachment: Card, 11 February 1953, regarding Electoral Board
Attachment: Mademoiselle Christmas card booklet

Page 28
Attachment: Letter from Ray Wunderlich to SP, late April 1953
Attachment: 1953 Spring Season New York City Opera Company, program, annotated by SP
Attachment: Gloucester House, New York, matchbook cover

Page 29
Attachment: Carmen, program
Attachment: Symposium of Art and Morals, John M. Greene Hall, 23-24 April 1953, program
Attachment: Ray Wunderlich's "Agenda et al"; annotated by SP

Page 30
Attachment: Napkin of a red and black rooster
Attachment: Playbill for National Theatre, Camino Real
Attachment: National Theatre, Camino Real, program
Clipping: Camino Real show times, probably from The New York Times

Page 31
Attachment: Gloucester House, 59 West 51st Street, NYC (postcard)
Clipping: "Bizarre Make-up." Probably from The New York Times, regarding Camino Real
Clipping: "Winners of Seasonal Acting Prizes." The New York Times. 13 May 1953: 33; annotated by SP
Attachment: Hotel Delmonico, Park Avenue at 59th Street, napkin
Attachment: Envelope, Ray Wunderlich to SP, postmarked, 30 April 1953, NYC; probably goes with his letter on page 28

Page 32
Attachment: "Gala Prom Sets Weekend Pace…" Yale News. 7 March 1953: 1 (whole paper)
Attachment: Gentlemen's Drinking Fray, Silliman/Dwight, Yale, 9 May 1953, invitation

Page 33
Attachment: Yale Junior Prom, invitation, 6 March 1953
Photograph: Mike Lotz in Davenport? Tigers uniform, standing atop dugout steps; dated on verso "Sept. 7, 1952"
Attachment: Yale Junior Prom, 1953, program
Attachment: College Weekend, Silliman/Dwight (Yale), 8-10 May 1953, program
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and Mike Lotz, Yale Junior Prom, New Haven; 6 March 1953

Page 34
Attachment: Blue Yale banner
Photograph: Sylvia Plath standing by Mike Lotz's car; circa February-March 1953
Photograph: Mike Lotz's car, New Haven; circa February-March 1953
Photograph: View from atop mountain; circa March-April 1953
Attachment: Letter from Mike Lotz to SP (postcard), postmarked 9 February 1953

Page 35
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and Perry Norton, New Haven; captioned on verso; "for Syl"; circa 6-8 March 1953
Photograph: Sylvia Plath, Myron Lotz, Shirley Baldwin, and a couple; New Haven; captioned on verso: "for Syl"; circa 6-8 March 1953
Attachment: Cartoon by Tom Chase from The Yale Record, March 1953; annotated by Lotz Attachment: Postcard from Myron Lotz to SP, postmarked 17 February 1953
Attachment: SP has added Yale Junior Prom, 1953, matchbook case to above postcard

Page 36
Attachment: 1953 Guest Editors - Placement; annotated "Syl Plath"
Photograph: Sylvia Plath wearing a dress and sitting outdoors, Wellesley; circa spring 1953
Attachment: Letter from Marybeth Little to SP, 27 May 1953, on yellow Street & Smith Publications Inter Office Memorandum paper
Attachment: Card, from Ilo Pill to SP
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and Elizabeth Bowen, Cambridge, Mass., 26 May 1953; Missing

Page 37
Photograph: Sylvia Plath posing in star formation with the other Mademoiselle Guest Editors, taken on 3 June 1953
Attachment: Envelope, Mademoiselle to SP, Air Mail, Special Delivery
Attachment: Barbizon bill, Sylvia Plath, Room 1511
Attachment: Mademoiselle paycheck

Page 38
Photograph: Sylvia Plath, Anne Shawber, and two men with drinks at St. Regis Roof, NYC, 10 June 1953
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and man at St. Regis Roof, NYC, 10 June 1953
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and two men at St. Regis Roof, NYC, 10 June 1953
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and man at St. Regis Roof, NYC, 10 June 1953

Page 39
Clipping: "Memo continued." Mademoiselle. August 1953: 54; showing photograph of Anne Shawber, Sylvia Plath, and two men at St. Regis Roof, NYC; annotated by SP

Page 40
Attachment: Telegram, from Marybeth Little to SP, dated 27 May 1953
Attachment: Mademoiselle paycheck, 22 April 1953, third college board assignment
Attachment: Mademoiselle paycheck, 18 May 1953, Guest Editors travel costs

Page 41
Attachment: Letter from William A. Bodden to SP, dated 22 May 1953, regarding Ethel Colin Corbin Prize
Attachment: Letter from William A. Bodden to SP, dated 22 May 1953, regarding Elizabeth Babcock Poetry Prize
Attachment: Paycheck, dated 20 May 1953, Ethel Colin Corbin 1952-1953 prize
Attachment: Paycheck, dated 20 May 1953, Elizabeth Babcock (poetry) 1952-1953 prize

Page 42
Attachment: Christmas card from McLean Hospital with program for Holiday Greetings
Attachment: Christmas card from Seventeen magazine's It's All Yours section to SP, signed by Natalie Gittelson, Ingrid Loewenstein, and Marie McPartland
Attachment: Christmas card from Cyrilly Abels to SP
Photograph: Sylvia Plath, Warren Plath, and Aurelia Plath at 26 Elmwood Road, Wellesley, Mass., Christmas 1953
Photograph: Photograph: Sylvia Plath and Joan Cantor playing Scrabble, with an unidentified male, possibly Perry Norton, at 26 Elmwood Road, Wellesley, Mass., Christmas 1953

Page 43
Attachment: Invitation to meet I.A. Richards at home of Benjamin Wright, 3 March 1954
Attachment: Smith College Religious Association, "Search for Meaning", Sage Hall, 2-4 February 1954, program
Attachment: Green Mansions and Wiving in the Wilderness, Smith College Theatre, 9-12 February 1954, program
Attachment: Card from Alexa R Wright to SP
Attachment: Ticket stub, Green Mansions, 10 February 1954, Floor, Row M, Seat 5

Page 44
Attachment: Smith College, Exercises in Commemoration of the Two Hundred and Twenty-Second Anniversary of the Birth of Washing, program
Attachment: Rally Day, program

Page 45
Attachment: Invitation from Alexa and Benjamin Wright to Phi Beta Kappa tea, 18 March 1953
Attachment: Telegram, from Helen Randall to Aurelia Plath, 30 September 1953, regarding SP's election to Phi Beta Kappa
Attachment: Phi Beta Kappa Name card
Attachment: Phi Beta Kappa Society dinner invitation, 22 April 1954

Page 46
Attachment: American Airlines ticket, Flight 301, dated 28 March 1954
Photograph: United airplane at Boston Logan airport, 28 March 1954
Attachment: Airplane ticket holder
Attachment: Lord & Taylor matchbook cover showing a pink cabbage rose
Photograph: Sylvia Plath with Pill family members; circa 28-30 March 1954
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and Ilo Pill's mother; circa 28-30 March 1954

Page 47
Attachment: Telegram from Cyrilly Abels to SP, 29 March 1954
Attachment: Asti Restaurant, 13 East 12th Street, (postcard); annotated by SP on verso
Attachment: 2 Asti Restaurant matchbook covers
Attachment: Ticket stub, Maltese Falcon and Shadow of a Doubt, Greenwich Village Theatre
Attachment: Envelope from Atherton "Bish" Sinclair Burlingham, postmarked 3 April 1954
Attachment: International House, 500 Riverside Drive, matchbook cover

Page 48
Attachment: Picnic, Playbill for the Music Box Theatre, annotated by SP
Attachment: Picnic, Page from Playbill
Attachment: Ticket stub, Picnic; Music Box Theatre, 29 March 1954, Balcony, Row F, Seat 15
Attachment: Missing

Page 49
Attachment: David Holleman, Behn-Moore Gallery, 40 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Mass., exhibit card, 22 March – 11 April 1954
Attachment: The Confidential Clerk, Morosco Theatre, Page from Playbill

Page 50
Attachment: The Scarecrow, program
Attachment: Andres Segovia, program; inside drawing of Segovia by SP
Attachment: Card signed "Congratulations Syl the Lawrenceites

Page 51
Attachment: Telegram from Dick Wertz to Nancy Hunter, 17 April 1954, regarding Richard Sassoon wanting to meet SP
Attachment: Telegram from Attila (Richard Sassoon) to SP, 23 April 1954

Page 52
Attachment: Playbill for The Sea Gull, The Phoenix Theatre, NYC
Attachment: Ticket stubs, The Sea Gull; The Phoenix Theatre, 8 May 1954; orchestra, Row P, Seats 21, 23

Page 53
Attachment: Steuben Tavern menu, 163 West 47th Street. Times Square, NYC; annotated by SP

Page 54
Attachment: Tandem Time, Amherst College Spring Prom, 14 May 1954, program
Attachment: The Meadows, Framingham, Mass., matchbook cover

Page 55
Attachment: Letter from William A. Bodden to SP, dated 20 May 1954, regarding Ethel Olin Corbin Prize
Attachment: Paycheck for Ethel Olin Corbin Prize, 1953-54
Clipping: "Flowers for the Lady." Springfield Sunday Republican. 24 May 1954: 3; depicting Sylvia Plath and "escort"

Page 56
Attachment: Letter from James T. McFate to SP, 5 May 1954, regarding reservation at The Hanover Inn at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, for 14-15 June 1954; SP shared a room with Jean Macmillan
Attachment: Napkin from Club Zara, 475 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass., showing a woman dancing

Page 57
Attachment: Letter from Alan K. "Scotty" Campbell to SP, 1 June 1954, informing SP that she was awarded full scholarship to summer school
Clipping: "Harvard Summer Scholarships Won by Six in Massachusetts." The Boston Globe. 1 July 1954: 26; SP's forename spelled "Silvia"
Attachment: Invitation to cocktails from Mademoiselle and Betsy Talbot Blackwell, 24 June 1954, to meet the Mademoiselle 1954 Guest Editors

Page 58
Photograph: Gordon Lameyer in uniform at sea; circa 1954
Attachment: Hansel and Gretel, Pine Manor Junior College, program, 5 June 1954; annotated by SP
Clipping: "Familiar View." The Boston Globe. 9 May 1954: B13; showing a pencil drawing of the Boston Public Library by Paul Lameyer
Attachment: The Mile Post, Newport, R.I., sugar packet wrapper

Page 59
Attachment: Joseph's, 279 Dartmouth Street, Boston, menu

Page 60
Attachment: Boston Arts Festival, 6-20 June 1954, program
Attachment: Card, The Breakers, Newport, R.I., card; ***Probably goes where missing attachment is on page 62 based on tape lines***
Photograph: Philip McCurdy; circa 1954
Clipping: from Boston Arts Festival program, Robert Frost, 13 June 1954
Photograph: Sylvia Plath, with suitcase, standing in front of 26 Elmwood Road, Wellesley; circa 14 June 1954
Attachment: Joseph's Restaurant, 279 Dartmouth Street, matchbook cover

Page 61
Attachment: Hanover Inn, Dartmouth, N.H., bill
Photograph: Marcia Brown and Mike Plummer cutting wedding cake; 15 June 1954
Attachment: The Hanover Inn, matchbook cover
Clipping: "Neighborhood News." The Townsman. 17 June 1954: 16; affixed to following attachment
Attachment: The Hanover Inn (postcard), annotated by SP
Attachment: Wedding invitation, Marcia Brown and Mike Plumer, 15 June 1954
Attachment: Thank you card from Mrs. Davenport Plumer, 3rd (Marcia Brown) to SP

Page 62
Attachment: Letter from Ira Scott to SP, (postcard), postmarked Grand Lake, Colorado, 7 September 1954
Attachment: Chanel box
Attachment: missing; ***probably The Breakers card photographed on page 60 based on tape lines
Attachment: Duxbury Beach Park pass; annotated by SP
Attachment: Sachuest Beach Parking Tag 1954

Page 63
Clipping: "More Girls Than Ever at Harvard Summer School." The Boston Globe. 27 July 1954: 15
Attachment: Invitation to Scholarship student tea at Fogg Museum Garden, 3 August 1954
Attachment: Sub-let lease agreement signed by Sylvia Plath, 28 May 1954; co-signed by David H. Neiditz and Joseph A. Norah(?)
Attachment: OHP (Olive Higgins Prouty) matchbook case

Page 64
Photograph: Sylvia Plath at Nauset Beach, on knees in the sand; circa 24 July 1954
Photograph: Sylvia Plath at Nauset Beach, lying down; circa 24 July 1954
Photograph: Sylvia Plath at Nauset Beach, by the water; circa 24 July 1954
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and Warren Plath at the beach as children; circa 1938
Attachment: Harvard University Library card; ***might not belong on this page***

Page 65
Attachment: 18th Annual Pilgrimage to Old and Interesting Houses in Chatham on Cape Cod; 26 July 1954; annotated by SP
Photograph: Gordon Lameyer atop Mt Monadnock; 17 July 1954
Photograph: Gordon Lameyer, head and chest, Nauset Beach; circa 24 July 1954
Photograph: Gordon Lameyer, sitting on knees, Nauset Beach; circa 24 July 1954
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and Gordon Lameyer at Nauset Beach; circa 24 July 1954
Photograph: Gordon Lameyer, left arm over left knee, Nauset Beach; circa 24 July 1954
Photograph: Gordon Lameyer doing a handstand, Nauset Beach; circa 24 July 1954

Page 66
Attachment: Vaughn Monroe's Meadows, menu; annotated by SP

Page 67
Attachment: Letter from Mary Mensel to SP, 15 June 1954, awarding SP $1250 scholarship for 1954-1955 year
Photograph: Sylvia Plath, Studio portrait; circa fall 1954
Attachment: The Smith Alumnae Quarterly, complimentary issue note
Photograph: Sylvia Plath, Gordon Lameyer, and John Stamper, atop Goat's Peak, Mt. Tom, 23 October 1954
Clipping: "Wellesley Naval Officer Takes Specialized Training in Virginia." The Townsman. 16 December 1954: 10

Page 68
Attachment: Ticket stub; The Bad Seed, 46th Street Theatre, 11 December 1954, Orchestra, Row T, Seat 11
Attachment: Robin Hood Ten Acres, Wayland, Mass., matchbook cover, originally photographed on page 17
Attachment: Ticket stub; The Bad Seed, 46th Street Theatre, 11 December 1954, Orchestra, Row T, Seat 13
Attachment: Christmas card from Anne Davidow to SP
Attachment: Christmas card from Olive Higgins Prouty to SP
Attachment: Christmas card from Nancy Hunter to SP

Page 69
Attachment: Christmas card/bookmark from Carol "Cal" Raybin to SP
Attachment: Christmas card from MB Derr to SP
Attachment: Sepp Ruschp Ski School, Stowe, Vermont, rates and program
Attachment: Christmas card from Laurie Totten to SP

Page 70
Photograph: Sylvia Plath, Gordon Lameyer, Warren Plath, and Thelma at Robin Hood's Ten Acres, Wayland, Mass.; circa 18 December 1954
Attachment: Christmas card from the Board of Gargoyle Magazine to SP
Attachment: Christmas card from Mademoiselle to SP

Page 71
Photograph: Sylvia Plath's room, Lawrence House, book case, heater, chair; circa April 1955
Attachment: Smith College Exercises in Commemoration of the Two Hundred and Twenty-Third Anniversary of the Birth of Washington, program
Attachment: Ticket stub, 22 February 1955, John M. Greene Hall, Section C, Row 23, and Seat 10
Photograph: Sylvia Plath's desk, Lawrence House showing Smith-Corona Silent typewriter, books, etc.; circa April 1955
Photograph: Sylvia Plath's room, Lawrence House, showing bookcase, side table, artwork/clippings on wall; circa April 1955

Page 72
Attachment: Othello, Amherst College, program
Attachment: The Hampshire Bookshop, invitation, 17 March 1955
Attachment: Ticket stub, Othello; Kirby Memorial Theatre, Amherst, Mass.
Attachment: Twelfth Night, program

Page 73
Attachment: Rahar's Inn, menu, annotated by SP
Attachment: Letter from Peter Davison to SP, 17 March 1955

Page 74
Attachment: Cut page of Le Gourmet restaurant menu, 49 West 55th Street, NYC
Attachment: Calhoun College, Yale, graduation invitation, 13-15 May 1955; annotated by Richard Sassoon
Attachment: Hotel Garde, opposite Railroad Station on US Route 1, New Haven, Conn., matchbook cover
Attachment: Three Crowns Restaurant, 12 East 54th Street, NYC, matchbook cover
Attachment: Three Crowns Restaurant, 12 East 54th Street, NYC (postcard)

Page 75
Attachment: Le Gourmet Restaurant menu, 49 West 55th Street, NYC; annotated by SP

Page 76
Clipping: "Moments of Crisis." The New York Times, cartoon depicting The Bad Seed
Clipping: "The Bad Seed." The New York Times, advertisement
Attachment: The Saint of Bleecker Street, Playbill
Attachment: Ticket stub, La Ronde, The Rockettes, Love Me or Leave Me, and Bolero; Radio City Music Hall, 28 May 1955
Attachment: Ticket stubs, The Saint of Bleecker Street; Broadway Theatre, 26 March 1955, Balcony Row N Seat 2 and Seat ?

Page 77
Attachment: Tea and Sympathy, Playbill cover, 25 May 1955
Attachment: Ticket stubs, The Desperate Hours; Ethel Barrymore Theatre, 27 May 1955, Mezzanine, Row B, Seats 107, 108
Attachment: The Desperate Hours, Playbill cover

Page 78
Clipping: Mary Handy. "'... Focus for Creative Work in College': Judges Hear Glasscock Poetry Contestants." The Christian Science Monitor. 18 April 1955: 2

Page 79
Photograph: Sylvia Plath and Marianne Moore at the Glascock Poetry Prize competition, South Hadley, Mass.; circa 16 April 1955
Attachment: Letter from Joyce Horner to SP, 21 April 1955

Page 80
Attachment: Paystub, Ethel Olin Corbin prize
Attachment: Letter from Wallace Klitgaard to SP, 11 May 1955
Attachment: Guest card, Onteora Central School, Boiceville, New York
Clipping: "Wellesley Smith College Club Annual Meeting." The Townsman. 9 June 1955: 6
Attachment: Paystub, Round trip transportation expenses from Northampton to Boiceville

Page 81
Attachment: Letter to SP, regarding Alpha Awared in creative writing
Attachment: Paystub; half of the Marjorie Hope Nicolson prize
Attachment: Paystub; The Clara French Prize, 1945/55

Page 82
Attachment: Letter from James Keller to SP, 26 April 1955, regarding Christopher College Contest
Attachment: Telegram from Jessica Daves to SP, 15 May 1955, regarding Vogue's 20th Prix de Paris

Page 83
Attachment: Award of Merit, presented to SP, Vogue's 20th Prix de Paris

Page 84
Photograph: Sylvia Plath wearing a graduation gown, in a group portrait with the residents of Lawrence House, SP sixth from left in second row; circa spring 1955

Page 85
Attachment: Commencement at Smith College, cover of program
Attachment: Commencement at Smith College, invitation
Clipping: "Mr. Wright Awards Honors Degrees." The Sophian. 6 June 1955: 1, 5. This clipping from page 1
Attachment: Ticket stub; Commencement
Attachment: missing
Attachment: Ticket stub; commencement ticket, in case of rain, John M. Greene Hall, Balcony, Section H, Row 6, seat 10
Clipping: Regarding Smith College prize awards, from "Mr. Wright Awards Honors Degrees", The Sophian, 6 June 1955: 1, 5. This clipping from page 5

Page 86
Clipping: "Sylvia Plath Among Three Given Fulbright Scholarships." Daily Hampshire Gazette. 24 May 1955: 3; annotated by SP
Attachment: Letter from Newnham College to SP (postcard), 30 October 1954; acknowledging receipt of fee for "Special Test papers taken overseas"
Attachment: Envelope from U.S. Educational Commission in the U.K. to SP, postmarked 6 June 1955

Page 87

Page 88

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Sylvia Plath inspires us all in various and wonderful ways. She is in many respects a form of comfort to us, which is something that Esther Greenwood expresses in The Bell Jar , about a bath: "There must be quite a few things a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them. Whenever I'm sad I'm going to die, or so nervous I can't sleep, or in love with somebody I won't be seeing for a week, I slump down just so far and then I say: 'I'll go take a hot bath.'" We read and remember Sylvia Plath for many reasons, many of them deeply personal and private. But we commemorate her, too, in very public ways, as Anna of the long-standing Tumblr Loving Sylvia Plath , has been tracking, in the form of tattoos. (Anna's on Instagram with it too, as SylviaPlathInk .) The above bath quote is among Sylvia Plath's most famous. It often appears here and there and it is stripped of its context. But I think most people will know it is from her nove...

Some final photographs of Sylvia Plath

Susan O'Neill-Roe took a series of photographs of Sylvia Plath and her children from October to late November (or maybe early December) 1962 while she was a day nanny/mother's help at Court Green. From nearby Belstone , it was a short drive to North Tawton and the aid she provided enabled Plath to complete the masterful October and November poems and also to make day or overnight trips to London for poetry business and other business.  Some of O'Neill-Roe's photographs are well-known.  However, a cache of photographs formed a part of the papers of failed biographer Harriet Rosenstein. They were sold separately from the rest of her papers that went to Emory. I was fortunate enough to see low resolution scans of them a while back so please note these are being posted today as mere reference quality images.  There are two series here. The first of the children with Plath dressed in red and black. (This should be referred to in the future, please, as Plath's  Stendhal-c...

Sylvia Plath and McLean Hospital

In August when I was in the final preparations for the tour of Sylvia Plath The Bell Jar sites, I found that I had long been mistaken about a couple of things. This is my coming clean. It was my intention in this blog post to discuss just McLean, but I found myself deeply immersed in other aspects of Plath's recovery. The other thing I was mistaken about will be discussed in a separate blog post. I suppose I need to state from the outset that I am drawing conclusions from Plath's actual experiences from what she wrote in The Bell Jar and vice versa, taking information from the novel that is presently unconfirmed or murky and applying it to Plath's biography. There is enough in The Bell Jar , I think, based on real life to make these decisions. At the same time, I like to think that I know enough to distinguish where things are authentic and where details were clearly made up, slightly fudged, or out of chronological order. McLean Hospital was Plath's third and last...