Like you, maybe, I am still fascinated and a bit mystified by the auction last week in London of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes: The Property of Frieda Hughes . I am still overly curious as to which items might end up in libraries and archives; which lots went to private collectors; and which will be seen, temporarily and with a mark up, via book or artifact dealers. I went through and made a spreadsheet of the lots with the estimates, the hammer prices and the final price including the buyer's premium. Lastly I filled in a column in Excel to denote if the item was withdrawn (1 lot); did not sell (8 lots); was under estimate (17 lots); in estimate (17 lots); or over estimate (65 lots) The large majority went for over the high estimate, even if just barely. The in estimate could be further broken down by whether it was low, mid, or high within that estimate price range but I frankly did not want to go that far... Well, I do, but indexing the second volume of The Letters...
Sylvia Plath Info Blog by Peter K. Steinberg. The blog of A celebration, this is.