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Update on The Selected Writings of Assia Wevill

Recently I received a comment on The Selected Writings of Assia Wevill book announcement post  asking for an update on the book that I am fortunate enough to be co-editing with Julie Goodspeed-Chadwick, author of the forthcoming Reclaiming Assia Wevill: Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes, and the Literary Imagination (LSU Press). Julie and I are happy to provide this, however briefly.

We have compiled the first draft of the manuscript which consists of four parts: Letters, Journals, Poems, and Miscellaneous texts. All sections have been annotated with contextual footnotes. In addition, we are presently working on our introduction and the selection of images and illustrations. In the coming months we'll continue read and proof the text, try to add more information to the footnotes if we can, and try to locate more documents to include. This autumn I am going to work on building an index, because I enjoy punishing myself in nerdtastic ways.

Happily, we are on schedule to have the manuscript to our publisher, the Louisiana State University Press, by our deadline of 31 December 2019.

All links accessed 12 August 2019.

P.S. Because I have not so far—and cannot fathom posting something here without typing it—Sylvia Plath.


  1. Peter, when will it be published?

  2. Hi Dibakar -- We are looking at Fall 2021 for a publication date. Thank you for asking! ~pks


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