Oh 17 December 2019, the topic came up on Twitter about how many languages Sylvia Plath has been translated into. I had not spent much time staying on top of these important works as I should have in the last decade, but the tweets got me motivated to revamp the Translations bibliography over on A celebration, this is.Have you done a post about translations of Plath? How many are there? Everyone says that if you don’t know, no one knows. https://t.co/v5Zc27TfhN— Carl Rollyson (@crollyson) December 17, 2019
As with the initial presentation, the information was taken from WorldCat so if there are any issues with it, then please excuse them. I did the best I could with formatting, translating the titles and what not. In the process I decided to tweak the standard format for the entries.
All of the works by Plath start with the title of the book and are listed first. Books about Plath are listed alphabetically by author following these. I did not think it was necessary to repeat "Plath, Sylvia" several hundred times. The title is followed by the English work it most closely aligns to, if it could be determined. When I could identify the translator(s) they are listed next, followed last by city, publisher, and year.
In addition to this bibliography, there is a page on my website for the covers of foreign titles. Since around the first of the year and then throughout the winter I added more than 100 book covers to the gallery. Long overdue. I hope that enjoy seeing these interesting covers.
There are 42 different languages represented in the bibliography with more than 520 titles listed. Wow! They are in order by year (or, they should be). The languages with the most titles are Italian, Spanish, French, and German. I said in my tweet it could be north of 50 and it still might be because I did not include translations of Plath's works that appeared in periodicals. If you know of a book not listed, in any language or in any edition, please let me know so I can add it. Thank you.
I am deeply grateful to Marie in Russia who, in March, sent me citations and information on book covers of Plath's Russian translations. Thank you Marie!
All links accessed 20 January 2020.
Thank you Gabriela! I hope that you are able to make use of the information! ~pks