Thank you to all of you who participated with me in today's Zoom talk on "Sylvia Plath's Letters & Traces". It was wonderful to see so many people and to interact. This was the first one in a series that I will be hosting.
As mentioned, I pre-recorded the talk yesterday using Loom as a fail-safe in case something went wrong with today's which, like a dodo, I forgot to record! I do not think anything went wrong? I hope the sound quality was alright throughout.
So, that talk is now available on my YouTube channel for anyone who missed the talk or truly wants to suffer.
The next talk will be 9 May 2020 with Gail Crowther as we read from our book These Ghostly Archives: The Unearthing of Sylvia Plath. Is anyone else planning on hosting Plath talks? Cause I think you should! Talk about your research?
Following that, the first Sylvia Plath Zoomposium, featuring more than 10 speakers, will be on 30 May. More information on the blog in May.
All links accessed 25 April 2020.