The details are coming! The details are coming!
Sylvia Plath Zoomposium I
Date: 30 May 2020
Time: 10 am EDT/3 pm GMT
This event has ended.
The speakers for this first event are:
Mona Arshi (UK)
Heather Clark (US)
Sarah Corbett (UK)
Amanda Golden (US)
Julie Goodspeed-Chadwick (US)
Gary Leising (US)
Maeve O'Brien (UK)
Nic Presley (UK)
Maria Rovito (US)
David Trinidad (US)
Date: 6 June 2020
Time: 10 am EDT/3 pm GMT
Click here to register for Sylvia Plath Zoomposium II
The speakers for this first event are:
Di Beddow (UK)
Gail Crowther (UK)
Peter Fydler (UK)
Julie Irigaray (FR/UK)
Giulia de Gregorio Listo (BR)
Carl Rollyson (US)
Kitty Shaw (UK)
Peter K. Steinberg (US)
Eva Stenskar (SE/US)
Dorka Tamas (HU/UK)
Emily Van Duyne (US)
The Zoomposiums will be recorded. Each speaker will present consecutively with no breaks other than to introduce the next person.
P.S.: Reminder!
Gail and I will be reading from our 2017 book These Ghostly Archives: The Unearthing of Sylvia Plath on Saturday 9 May at 10 am EDT/3 pm GMT. Registration is open now. Sign up, please! It is the first time we have ever read from the book!
All links accessed 28-30 April 2020.