When Gail Crowther and I starting planning for the Sylvia Plath Zoomposiums I think it is safe to say we were nervous. What if no one signed up? We figured an audience of five was better than nothing, and so we tried to line up solid groups of presenters that might attract a decent group of listeners. I am not sure I can speak for Gail, but strangely enough the more people that registered the less nervous I truly was.
How would the technology work? The thought that things could go weird or horribly wrong were more prevalent than that they might just go smoothly. Happily, the events went relatively well. It all felt warm and collegiate and supportive. Though I know some people had connectivity issues and could not stay logged in for which I am sorry. However, this is why we recorded it and why we are very happy to make both available on the Sylvia Plath Info YouTube channel.
Zoomposium I (recorded 30 May 2020) featuring: Mona Arsi, Heather Clark, Sarah Corbett, Amanda Golden, Julie Goodspeed-Chadwick, Gary Leising, Maeve O'Brien, Nic Presley, Maria Rovito, and David Trinidad. Please note Heather Clark's presentation was removed.
Zoomposium II (recorded 6 June 2020) featuring: Di Beddow, Gail Crowther, Eva Stenskar, Peter Fydler, Peter K. Steinberg, Julie Irigaray, Dorka Tamas, Emily Van Duyne, Carl Rollyson, Kitty Shaw, and Giulia Listo.
All links accessed 7 June 2020.
How would the technology work? The thought that things could go weird or horribly wrong were more prevalent than that they might just go smoothly. Happily, the events went relatively well. It all felt warm and collegiate and supportive. Though I know some people had connectivity issues and could not stay logged in for which I am sorry. However, this is why we recorded it and why we are very happy to make both available on the Sylvia Plath Info YouTube channel.
Zoomposium I (recorded 30 May 2020) featuring: Mona Arsi, Heather Clark, Sarah Corbett, Amanda Golden, Julie Goodspeed-Chadwick, Gary Leising, Maeve O'Brien, Nic Presley, Maria Rovito, and David Trinidad. Please note Heather Clark's presentation was removed.
Zoomposium II (recorded 6 June 2020) featuring: Di Beddow, Gail Crowther, Eva Stenskar, Peter Fydler, Peter K. Steinberg, Julie Irigaray, Dorka Tamas, Emily Van Duyne, Carl Rollyson, Kitty Shaw, and Giulia Listo.
All links accessed 7 June 2020.
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