I meant to post this yesterday...
On Tuesday, 4 February 1958, in Northampton, Massachusetts, Sylvia Plath wrote a commandment to herself to "Look up: in Boston: angels or muses floating light as handkerchiefs in a Monday wind under 5 arches - in a green rural scene by Puvis de Chavannes in the public library" (324).
These un-disquieting muses appear in the Boston Public Library's "Puvis de Chavannes Gallery". The works full name appears to be Les Muses Inspiratrices Acclament le cenie messager de lumiere (The Muses of Inspiration hail the Spirit, the Messenger of Light). They are above the entrance to Bates Hall.
When I lived in Boston I likely passed by these muses, unhired by you, dozens of times but never realized it...