Hello. I hope that each of you is well and had a nice summer.
This is a brief blog update to let you know that later this fall, in early November probably, I will be closing down 'A celebration, this is', my website for Sylvia Plath, at the url www.sylviaplath.info.
I recognize that many people have the website bookmarked and may even refer to it frequently, or infrequently. Like you, I do value the information and do not want to see it just completely disappear. Even I use my own website now with, possibly, alarming regularity.
So, I have started migrating all the information to a new, permanent digital asset management system called Preservica. I am using their Starter option which is free.
The below QR code will take you there.
To be honest I only did the QR code because I think it looks cool. You can also just simply click this link if you have not got your mobile phone handy.
Each page has been saved as a PDF. Self-referring links to images and pages on the website were removed. I hope to add more scans and photographs and metadata to this new site in time. At this moment, only the book cover galleries for works by Sylvia Plath are in there. Oh, and also many of the articles I authored are available as resources. It looks and feels very differently, yes. But I hope that the content is still a good resource for you. In some ways it may even be better? Sylvia Plath Info powered by Preservica is fully browsable, searchable, and even downloadable. And I am happy to say that it is already cached in Google searches.
As with my previous blog post about ceasing social media stuff, my intention is not to disappoint you. At the risk of repeating myself annoyingly, these decisions were made after weeks and months of deliberation. I have always valued your readership and camaraderie in things regarding Sylvia Plath. And I still do.
Some have asked me to restart the blog and Twitter. I do not believe this will happen. But please be prepared for another post at some moment in time.
Please, please, be well.
All links accessed 12 September 2022.
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