It has been quite a while since a post has been dedicated to highlighting new articles about Sylvia Plath. They are routinely added to the bibliography of articles on Plath on my website, A celebration, this is . But there are several thousand there so it is possible they are quasi-hidden... Clark, Heather. 2021. "Sylvia Plath: An Iconic Life." Women's History Review 30:7: May 2021: 1071-1084. Connell, Stacie M. "There Was a Young Woman Who Lived in a Shoe: Understanding the Juxtaposition of Love, Hate, And Patriarchal Confinement. In Sylvia Plath's poem 'Daddy'." Advances in Language and Literary Studies 12:5. October 31, 2021: 48-51. Inoue, Shihoko. "'Cow-heavy and floral in my Victorian nightgown': Maternity and Transatlanticism in Sylvia Plath's Poetry and Fiction." Journal of Transatlantic Studies 19:3. 2021:350-371. Meyers, Jeffrey. "Diane Arbus and Sylvia Plath: 'The Horror! The Horror!'." Sa...
Sylvia Plath Info Blog by Peter K. Steinberg. The blog of A celebration, this is.